Is your diet and lifestyle cancer-proof?


Cancer has become a global problem, with more than nine million people dying from different types of the disease every year, according to the American Cancer Society.

What causes cancer? 

Unhealthy habits, obesity, chemicals, pesticides and pollution have all been linked to the condition, but an unhealthy, inflammation-causing diet has been called out by many nutritionists, doctors and wellness experts for contributing to the rise of international cancer rates.

Last year, around 9.6 million people died from cancer worldwide, and lung and breast cancers were the most common. 

Research shows that about a third of cancers develop as a result of unhealthy lifestyle behaviors such as cigarette smoking, poor diet, excess alcohol, sun exposure, environmental pollutants, stress, obesity, and a sedentary lifestyle. 

The Cancer Defense Diet, which takes a holistic approach to health by focusing on fruits, vegetables and unprocessed proteins like beans or low-mercury seafood, may help reduce a person’s risk of cancer.

Its guidelines also suggest limiting red and processed meats, which have been linked to higher risk of colorectal cancer, as well as eliminating foods that have added sugar and salt. 

Alcohol like wine, beer and liquor should only be consumed in moderate amounts, and processed carbohydrates like cookies, snacks like potato chips or pretzels, cakes and certain breads should be completely eliminated or eaten just once in a while. 

Additionally, pre-packaged “diet” snacks that are heavy in sugar should also be phased out of your diet. Not only can these foods cause weight gain, they can also lead to brain inflammation and liver damage, according to a study from the University of Georgia, which studied the effect of different diets on rats.

Rats given high sugar, low fat diets experienced liver fat accumulation, chronic inflammation in their intestinal tracts and brains, and the disruption of signals sent to the body that indicate fullness.

The eating regimen is part of an expanding health movement that looks beyond modern and conventional treatments like prescription drugs to maintain health and vitality. Preventative care is also an important part of holistic living – more people are opting for natural substances like CBD or meditation to treat inflammation, pain and even mental health issues like anxiety.

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